Every year we (my friends and I) try and plan a weekend away at Smith Lake. It's usually in the fall but this year, every one was busy and we couldn't work out a time to go. So we rescheduled for January. I was happy to see this weekend come for several reasons. 1. It meant we got a break from our beloved children. I love them dearly but it so nice to have a day or two without them. 2. It marked the last of the travels we will be doing for a while. I love going places but I sure am ready to get back to some sort of routine after the holidays. 3. We got to spend some time with our friends, doing nothing but eating, sleeping, having entertaining conversation about grown up topics (well, sort of), playing games, and watching movies. No one feels the absolute need to wear makeup or fix their hair. We takes turns cooking and cleaning up and there is always a good meal at every meal time. Aaaand... we split it so many ways, it's a very inexpensive getaway. It is always a fun and relaxing weekend.

Shlok and Addie were graciously allowed to come along. They provided much entertainment.
Richa caught herself up on Downton Abbey Season 2. Thank heavens. Now she can watch season 3 with the rest of the girls.
A big thank you to Joy for doing the planning of a lovely trip at the best lake house ever. You always make it work. :-)
Hey, Melody! A nice summary of a nice weekend. The pictures of Addie and Shlok are really cute. I promise that I'll shave and cut my hair soon. I look forward to the next time.