Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Little One

I had my 32 week visit and all is well. I admit that this pregnancy has had me more on edge with worries than I usually have. As an L&D nurse, I see a lot of women in situations that would either scare me to death or emotionally break me down. I know too well what could happen at any point in pregnancy and sometimes, when you're pregnant, you just can't get those "what if that happens to me" thoughts out of your head - especially when you see them happen every day that you are at work. I hate those thoughts. I hate those feelings. I don't want to be consumed with worry when I know beyond any doubt that I have a sovereign God who has EVERYTHING in his hands. He is in control and knows the time this baby will be born. Early or not, healthy or not, really small or just big, this baby is in the Lord's hands and completely loved by him. Why should I fear? No matter what happens, God is good. I believe that. I just have to remind myself about 20 times a week.
So back to my appointment...
First, after having contractions since around 18 weeks, and history of preterm delivery (late preterm - but still preterm), and having been on progesterone injections and procardia (a blood pressure med) both used to slow down or stop contractions, it's no wonder that fear of a preterm delivery has been in the forefront of my mind. I have been checked at almost every prenatal visit just to make sure nothing is going on. And, praise the Lord, it still looks good. Not dilated! It sounds funny to be happy about that but we're still too early for me to be excited about any progression
Second, Little One's fetal heart rate was 150 bpm today. It is always such a beautiful sound.

Third and best of all, I got a look at a sweet little profile and a precious face today. I really needed that. It is amazing what we can see with modern ultrasounds today! These pictures don't really do justice to the actual ultrasound photos. I just took pictures of my pictures with my phone but you can see well enough how beautiful this baby is! I'm absolutely in love. I can't wait 'til the day I get to hold this baby in my arms.

Don't these pictures melt your heart? Yes, I know they do because they are precious. *wink, wink* Now notice that we still have NO photos of the private area. I'm curious to know what everyone thinks.
Is this a Harrison "Harry" Lane Ellis or a Selah Anne Ellis? What do you think?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

First Dentist Appointment!

Well today was a big day in my book. We had our first dentist appointment for Haynes and Brookelynn. I was so nervous that it would be a traumatic experience that I delayed making an appointment for Haynes by an entire year. After getting multiple opinions about dentists in the area and having multiple great reviews about Dr Massey, I finally got up the confidence to call for their first visit.
First thing this morning, I had them watching an educational you tube video on my computer about going to the dentist for the first time as they ate their Cheerios and banana. I don't know that it helped but at least they had some idea of what all those strange instruments were coming at their face. Then off we went to to see the dentist. They were called back and escorted to two little dentist chairs right next to each other. They both had sweet little hygienists who made them feel comfortable with the whole experience. They showed them each every little tool they were going to use and even coaxed both of them into letting them floss their teeth!!!! I have never been brave enough to attempt that. I sat and watched in amazement as my children willingly and without complaint had their first exam and cleaning. I was a proud mama at that moment and VERY relieved! It was over in no time and then they were rewarded with their goody bag and special toothbrushes. Dr Massey came and looked at their teeth and said they were beautiful (of course). And then they were done. We were out in about 30 minutes. On our way out the door, the kids were given a coin to get a prize. Haynes chose a bouncy ball and Brookelynn chose a bracelet. They thought the whole thing was just great. Thank goodness! Maybe they won't have the terrible anxieties that I have about going I the dentist for a cleaning. i have always hated the dentist. If anyone's interested, we went to Trussville Pediatric Dentistry. I would highly recommend.