So...the Pumpkin Patch wasn't all I expected it to be. I had heard rumor that the pumpkins were just set out in a field and not actually grown there but when you see it in person, it is somewhat disappointing. But, I guess if you're 3, you don't know the difference. I got together with several good friends of mine and we all chose a last Friday to go on the outing. It was a cool, and blustery day that morning but the sun was supposed to be shining so it sounded like nice weather. We all packed up our kids (seven of them to be exact) and started on the rather loooonng trip to Hayden to our Pumpkin Patch of choice. By the time we arrived, it was a field FULL of kids on a field trip! Dun dun dun....
Oh there were little children everywhere and of course not enough adults to keep order as it was a field trip. As stressful as it looked, we braved the crowds and decided to first attempt to get some good pictures of the kids. After all, there were places for wonderful staged fall photos everywhere. The harsh sun and the annoying wind, not to mention my children's complete disgust at the idea of getting their picture taken that day made this photo op almost a total flop.
Here's a good one of my good friend, Kate, and her new baby girl!
And Joy!
And the cutie pies, Emma and Elijah.
Next, we decided to go to the petting zoo. Petting zoos, to me at least, are always kind of a let down, especially when you have to pay to pet an animal that doesn't come anywhere near the edge so you can pet it. Aaanndd, my kids won't even attempt to pet animals in cages anyways so that was a waste of money. No pictures. Moving on. At this point, my friend Anna Kate her two littles had arrived. We went to the bouncy things next and of course, all the kids had a blast.
After the kids had their time in the jumpy things, we headed up for a quick snack and then headed to the covered wagon hayride and off to the "pumpkin patch."
Jonas, Lydia, Haynes and Brookelynn on the hayride.
The "Great Pumpkin Patch."
The perfect pumpkin. This is the one we have sitting on our front steps today.
Jonas is helping us out with our pumpkin choices.
Attempting to move the pumpkin.
There's Rachel and Emma. So precious.
After the wagon ride, we made one last attempt as some good pictures. Again, it was not exactly a great and cooperative photo session. This one is my favorite. Almost all the kids with Joy. You can see in their faces how much it pained them for us to be attempting these pictures but we tried anyways.
Anna Kate had some photos taken with her two babies.
And my kids decided they would poke their heads through and be scarecrows, just for one picture.
All in all, it was a long and busy day, full of children everywhere, but we can all say we did it. We went to the pumpkin patch this year and rode the covered wagon and bought a 7$ pumpkin just for the experience. And our kids will have one more little memory to add to their brain. I think it will be a good one for them. I'm sure that's what they all dreamed about as four little angels snored in the back of my van on the way home. The all fell asleep within minutes of beginning the trip back home. It was a nice and quiet trip, full of good mom conversation between Rachel and me.