You came into the world a tiny little bundle of spunk. That personality hasn't changed a bit but you sure have grown up in two years! My 4 lb 13 oz little girl now weighs 20 lbs (which is still teeny tiny for a two year old) but you're big to me. And you sure think you are all grown up. I look back at these precious little pictures of you and just wonder where the time has gone. WOW! Babies grow up so fast, my precious peanut!
Haynsie was completely amazed by you.
He thought you were great. He still does.
Brookelynn's Baby Words
Where's my bwanket? = blanket
Dump = jump
Where's my cutt = cup
Pita-oo, I chee ooo = peekaboo, I see you
I go potty
Wes weed = let's read
My boot = my book
Yay! I did it. = Yay! I did it! perfectly clear
A dum twuck = a dump truck (she loves seeing one pass by on the road - thank you big brother)
Das mine = that's mine
Tush da bundt = push the button
Recent Stinker Sightings
- sticks her toothbrush in the potty to get it wet before brushing
- colors or paints face every time there is contact with crayons, markers or paint
- rummages through mommy's makeup destroying everything in sight (blush brush in the toilet this morning)
- rubbed Boudreaux's Butt Paste in hair and it was still greasy 3 days and 5 washings later. Thanks to Grandmama and some Dawn dish detergent, it finally looked clean.
- gets in shower and pumps shampoo into hands and spreads all over face and body (because it smells nice maybe???)
- stuck mommy's earrings down in her ears so she could be pretty.
Pediatrician Visit Today: 20 lbs 4oz (between 3rd and 10th percentile) and 31 3/4 in tall.
My darling little B. I love you with all my heart. I love to kiss your still pudgy little cheeks. I love the way you come and plop down in my lap and your powder puff pony tail tickles my face. I love your bouncy hair (mine has never had as much bounce as yours). I love your scrawny little legs. I love your happy and energetic spirit. You are loving to your brother (most of the time), always looking out for him and making sure he is close. When you wake up from your nap or a good night's sleep, the first thing you ask about is him. "Where's my Haynsie?" you ask. I love that. He has always been your best little friend. I hope you two are best buddies forever. He loves you too, sweet girl. You two may argue and disagree and fuss sometimes, but you both have a special bond that I hope stays forever. You are obsessed with milk and drink more milk than any little person I have ever seen. If we let you, your entire diet would consist of nothing but milk. You care nothing for TV or movies. You are beginning to LOVE baby dolls and everything like that. Good timing since Baby Brother or Sister is coming soon. You'll be lots of help I'm sure. You have been interested going potty for three months now and already poop and tee-tee on the potty! Impressive. Now we just have to work on you being consistent and you'll be out of diapers. Mommy and Daddy would appreciate your continued interest and participation to make this happen soon. Please and thank you. We love you forever and pray that you grow in the love and knowledge of our wonderful Savior. He loves you most of all, Brookelynn. I hope you always cling to that. Happy Second Birthday!
Love, Mama